Monday, July 25, 2005

10 Weeks Old

Originally uploaded by Moore of God.
Our dear sweet Hannah - 10 weeks old. She is progessing so well. She is now 8 lbs. 2 oz. and just this week started to smile.

Have a blessed week.

Growing in God's Love,

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Tempel 1 Comet Impact - FACE IMAGE

As you may have read or heard - The human race has made an advancment in knowledge pertaining to the universe. NASA on July 4th - aimed a projectile toward a comet (Tempel 1) - armed with cameras and other sensing devices straight into the center of this comet (23,000 mph). You can read more about it at

As I viewed the pictures and video on NASA's website - I made an observation that I've not yet seen posted on the internet -
I found an IMAGE OF A FACE on the Comet.
See for your self - The image has not be altered- only brighted for clarity. Image taken from NASA video - of object approaching comet.


I found this interesting - you may as well.

Growing in God's Love - TIM