What a special time we had for Baby's First Christmas. Hannah was so adorable. We thank God for His beautiful gift He has placed in our lives. We are so thankful she is 100% healthy and alive. As I reflect over this past year, many prayers have been answered - With the birth of Hannah - this has been made clear; God's hand is evident in our lives.
If you've been reading this blog for some time - you would rejoice with me - from reading posts of Maranda's doctor visits to the birth of Hannah - Many prayers have been offered. We are blessed with a great child.
Having a child of my own - sheds more light on the birth of Jesus. A soft, compassionate, understanding of the love that parents have for their child - Also knowing God the Father has bigger plans for their life - bigger than we could imagine.
Thanks for reading my thoughts - I pray God will bless you continually this upcoming year. Growing in God's Love - TIM