Thursday, January 27, 2005


Where to start - in the midst of the month that was and is a tremendous blessing from God - this week has been one of struggle. But through what seems like a haze WE MUST KEEP OUR FOCUS. Maranda and I have agreed to not let these trials get us down. God is testing our faith, focus and fortitude. God is in the process of ________________________ (you fill in the blank).

Be encouraged and press on - press on - press on. The theme for this week - press on - press on - press on. In our case when our vehicle broke down and the bill came in - press on - when Maranda snoored many nights due to her cold - press on. On a more serious note - when you feel overwhelmed - press on.

Trust God in this - PRESS ON. The trials that He places in our lives are not given to put us down - but to perfect the work that God started in you. From my heart - Press on - Press on - Press on. Don't be down, defeated or depressed - LOOK UP! God is WITH YOU - not against you!! Be encouraged - put a smile on that face - Know who you are in God. You are HIS!!! A child of the King. Royality. Special. Blessed. - PRESS ON.

Hosea says it perfectly in Hosea 6:3 "Let us acknowledge the LORD ; let us press on to acknowledge Him. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear; He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth." (take the time to be blessed to read Hosea 6 in full - You will learn how God has a restoration process in place FOR YOU.

Growing in God's Love - TIM

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your exhortation was very inspirational. It's just like the Lord to give a word of encouragement at the most needed time. Thank You.