A great report from the Dr. today!! Great news!! The specialist looked over the ultrasound and everything looked good. Maranda's amniotic fluid was at the highest that it has been. And the blood flow to the baby was normal. The specialist has the opinion that if Maranda stays stabilized as she is now - that they will keep Hannah in as long as possible. His thoughts are that if she can make it to 36 weeks and stay stable they will reevaluate what to do then. He much rather have the baby be born later - as Hannah wouldn't have to stay in the ICU for a long period of time. He much rather see the baby stay with the mother.
The specialist says that the signs are pretty clear when to deliver the baby - but as of now - Maranda has no signs of needing to be delivered. Signs to look for in Maranda are constant high blood pressure (160/105+) or blood work returning showing damage to the liver or kidneys (Maranda shows no sign of that), or extreme headache which can produce seizure (absolutely no signs of that). Signs from the baby are lower amniotic fluid, low blood from to the baby, or consistent drop in growth. (Hannah has none of those). We are now in holding pattern -- believing that Maranda will stay consistent and no signs for delivery. So we will continue to be monitored closely.
We have another appointment with the specialist in two weeks where they will do a more detailed growth study - to see if she has dropped off her growth pace. He is not too concerned with her size - as long as she continues to grow. It was a lot of information and a lot of good news. Sorry if it seems a little scattered. We are very happy with this report.
Maranda has her scheduled appointment (twice a week) with our her regular OBGYN tomorrow. We pray that he takes the specialist opinion. I believe that he will.
Thank you for your continued prayers. I know that people standing with us in faith and prayer is making the difference with Hannah.
Growing in God's Love - TIM
Look at the fingers of God under her head holding her up. It look to be his hand holding her up and comforting her. Praise God for his peace and strenght he is giving her and us all involved.
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