Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Picking up the new - laying down the old.

Dear faithful readers,

I just wanted to write and be real today - I'm doing well. I woke up this morning with a new type of energy. I seem a little more focused and have a brighter outlook. Last night I started draining my old water bed - which in some ways was sad but also symbolized to me a new beginning. Strange as it may sound - but is the truth. I've put it off and put it off - but now that I've started it - I've realized that I had a hold on my old stuff. I didn't want to get rid of my stuff. But as God is giving us a new gift - I must lay down my stuff for God's plan.

We are preparing our precious Hannah a place to call her own. Furniture ordered and colors picked out - we are now embarking on making her room. This brings more of a reality to me. - picking up the new - laying aside the old. As we are to do in our spiritual walk. Laying down our old self (human desires, wants) and picking up God's plan (which is far more perfect). I hope you take what I've written today and apply it to you in your spiritual walk. Giving up your life for God's...

Be blessed today -

Growing in God's Love - TIM

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