Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Intimacy with God

I contimplated with what to write on this day - so I will just write what is on my heart.
My heart is saying "Draw nearer to God" - I believe (I know) that is His desire for us. In our world of danger, wars, threats, daily struggles - where else can we find our peace and strength? Without having a intimate relationship with Almighty God - our life seems empty, alone and maybe even afraid. God wipes all that away in our responding to His love and His hand. God promised us: "Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you" - Today, I encourage you to seek God in a intimate way. In your own way - in either prayer, worship, serving others or any way you feel led. May your day be blessed in many ways! - TIM

As for the Tim's Tech Tip for Today - I would promote going to Apple Computer's website and looking at the new Mini-Mac. This will open the doors for many to owning a mac. What a great idea...

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