Tuesday, February 15, 2005

LIVE - again I say LIVE!!

Thank you for checking back often - things have been up in the air lately and I've not written. I do appreciate your interest in reading my thoughts and expression of my heart. To start - Maranda is doing good - she had her doctor's appointment today at 11:30 - and I just got off the phone with her minutes ago - The Doctor was very pleased with Maranda and her progress. The doctor anticipated the blood pressure to increase as the weeks go by - Praise to our Lord, God - her blood pressure has stayed pretty much stable (a very good sign). The doctor will continue to monitor her twice a week until our baby/"gift" is born. Thank you for your continued prayers - pray that all will stay stable. Our foundaiton is Jesus.

I would like to share with you a word that Maranda receieved from the Lord speaking over our child. A promise that it would grow healthy, strong and beautiful. It is found in Ezekiel 16:6-14:

" 'Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood (blood pressure), and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, "LIVE!" Again I say LIVE!!! 7 I made you grow like a plant of the field. You grew up and developed and became the most beautiful of jewels. Your breasts were formed and your hair grew, you who were naked and bare.

    8 " 'Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love, I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your nakedness. I gave you my solemn oath and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Sovereign LORD , and you became mine.

    9 " 'I bathed you with water and washed the blood from you and put ointments on you. 10 I clothed you with an embroidered dress and put leather sandals on you. I dressed you in fine linen and covered you with costly garments. 11 I adorned you with jewelry: I put bracelets on your arms and a necklace around your neck, 12 and I put a ring on your nose, earrings on your ears and a beautiful crown on your head. 13 So you were adorned with gold and silver; your clothes were of fine linen and costly fabric and embroidered cloth. Your food was fine flour, honey and olive oil. You became very beautiful and rose to be a queen. 14 And your fame spread among the nations on account of your beauty, because the splendor I had given you made your beauty perfect, declares the Sovereign LORD.

What an amazing promise - We are standing encouraged and strong on this word the Lord has given us.

I pray you'll be blessed today.

Growing in God's Love - TIM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is truly a friend and peacemaker. These last few weeks have tested Tim's and I's faith, but we will prevail. We have chose to walk by faith and not by sight. God's word to us is special and a promise that we will stand on and declare.

Tim has been doing a wonderful job taking care of me. He records my blood pressures, cooks me dinner, brings me my medicine, makes sure I am staying in bed, etc. He is taking care of me in sickness and in health. For people who know me I can be stubborn and not the easiest patient. :)

TIm has expressed his concern for prayer for me and I would do the same for him. It is not easy working two jobs and running a whole household almost on your own. I am very proud of the patience and endurance Tim has exhibited. I know he is only doing it through God's strength. Tim and I desire to be the best we can be. We check our hearts everyday and strive to be pleasing until HIM. We look forward to becoming parents and truly count it a gift. I only pray that we don't make to many mistakes and that our child will truly have a heart after God.

Thanks for everyone's love and support. We love you!